QAC 101

We created and continue to update this page to educate the public on how Queen Anne’s County government functions. Irresponsible over development is running rampant on Kent Island, so the initial focus is to explain this process from start to finish and what YOU can do to STOP it. After all, we are the only ones that can save Kent Island.

Important QAC Links
How To Provide Public Comment 

While we see many people speaking out and complaining on Facebook and other social media platforms, no one in the county reads or cares about those posts. The only way your voice will matter is if you enter a public comment by:

Email or Mail (Good)
Send an email to the following:
QAC Public Comment -
CC us so we can ensure your email is counted -

Mail a letter to:
Board of County Commissioners
107 North Liberty Street
Centreville, Maryland 21617

Include your name and what board meeting the message is for. Comments received will be read by County staff during the public comment portion of the meeting.
Start your email or letter with something like this:
“I would like to enter in public record that I, [your name], am against the [proposal with #]. This is regarding the board meeting on [public meeting date].”
Explain in detail who you are, how you feel about this proposal, and why you are against it. DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THIS!

Leave a Voicemail (Good)
Call 443-262-4601
Include your name, what board meeting the message is for [proposal with #], and a brief message.
All voicemail comments received will be played by county staff during the public comment portion of the meeting.

Virtually Attend the Public Meeting via ZOOM (Better)
Click this link ( and bookmark the page.
On the morning of the meeting, go to the page, click on the big box that says “ZOOM” and enter the Meeting ID and Password.
*You may not have to enter these credentials if you’ve used ZOOM before. You must have ZOOM to use this option.

Physically Attend the Public Meeting (Best)
Yes, we know 8:45AM on a weekday is a ridiculous time to set a public meeting, so tell them what you think about that while you’re there.
When you attend in person, there will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting room entrance. You must put your name on this to speak and record a public comment.
This is the best way to show you mean business and truly care about something. The more that show up, the better.

The absolute best thing you can do is as many of the above as possible. Send an email, leave a voicemail, and show up on ZOOM or in person.

Commissioners Meeting - public comment must be submitted by 6PM the day of the Public Meeting.
County Commissioner public meetings are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30PM at 107 North Liberty Street Second Floor, Centreville, MD 21617 (unless noted otherwise).

Planning Commission Meeting 
- public comment must be submitted by 9AM the day of the Public Meeting.
Planning Commission public meetings are held every second Thursday of the month at 8:45AM at 110 Vincit Street #104, Centreville, MD 21617 (unless noted otherwise).
